Who We Are

The Mission of SRCOS

The mission of SRCOS is to promote the improvement of postsecondary education in statistical science, assist in the development of high quality statistics instruction in elementary and high schools, and promulgate educational activities which improve the quality of statistical practices. SRCOS fulfills this mission by fostering and facilitating cooperation among institutions in its membership region concerned with statistics education.

Specific current examples of SRCOS activities in fulfilling its mission are providing forums for communication on effective approaches to solving common problems with statistical training, sponsoring (joint with ASA) annual summer research conferences, and maintaining an electronic network for sharing statistical information among its members.

History of SRCOS

The Summer Research Conferences and the SRCOS: A Historical Perspective
by R.L.Tayor and W.J. Padgett

SRCOS was founded in 1989 after a 34-year history as a Committee on Statistics of SREB. SRCOS is an organization dedicated to fostering cooperation in statistical affairs among institutions concerned with higher education.

The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), the first interstate compact in the country, which was established in 1948, is a public agency of 15 member states cooperating to improve education. SREB works directly with state governments, academic institutions, and other agencies concerned with education. In 1952 SREB sponsored a Southern Regional Conference on Statistics. From this conference came plans to conduct a series of Southern Regional Graduate Summer Sessions and, later, the formation of the SREB Southern Regional Committee on Statistics. The Committee's purpose was ". . . to provide a means of joint planning and cooperative action by which the member institutions can coordinate and supplement their respective educational, research, and service programs in statistics to meet more effectively the present and future needs of the region and nation."

In 1987-88 SREB felt SRCOS had developed into an organization in its own right, and it was no longer appropriate to consider it as a Committee of the Southern Regional Education Board. Consequently, SRCOS ceased to be a formal committee of SREB in 1989, but continues to pursue its original purpose as an independent group under the name of the Southern Regional Council on Statistics.

SREB remains interested in the work of SRCOS and continues in an ex officio membership capacity. Throughout its many years of existence, SRCOS has sponsored a variety of cooperative programs, including a Visiting Lecturer Program, a series of 20 Regional Graduate Summer Sessions, and an annual Summer Research Conference.

2024 SRCOS Officers

Dr. Madhuri Mulekar
Dr. Ed Boone

Dr. Katherine Thompson

Dr. John Wierman


Dr. Norou Diawara


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